April 2024 snapshot from ACEVic
Created an advocacy document to support ongoing advocacy for sector growth and sustainability
Conversations for members provider focused on current pilot SbD PQF+ project (sub Committee)
Chaired the regular VAPN (Victorian ACE Policy Network)- ALA, ACEVic and NHVIC
Supported ACFE Board and DJSIR by attending Koorie Education in Learn Locals- Best practices and protocols ceremony that opened up an opportunity to discuss directly with stakeholders-Minister’s advisor and EA, DJSIR staff (central and regional offices) and ACFE Board members about the current climate in ACE sector and to make connections.
Supported multiple members by attending providers ceremonies that opened up an opportunity to discuss directly with stakeholders-DJSIR staff and ACFE Board members about the current climate in ACE sector.
ACEVic hosted a successful Executive Exchange- Conscious Collaboration with Louisa Ellum
ACEVic were able to visit 3 member providers over the month
Reach out to Nina if you would like to set up a meeting or provider visiteo@acevic.org.au oroffice@acevic.org.au
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/acevic/