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August Snapshot

August 2024 snapshot from ACEVic

  • Prepared and communicated to the ACFE Board the ACEVic position paper and pilot provider feedback on the Stronger by Design PQF+ project

  • Represented the ACE sector at the network West Neighbourhood House Network (NWNHN) community development webinar

  • Liaised with DJSIR regarding current sector issues and challenges

  • Attended the VET Network meeting supporting the collaboration of Community ACE RTO’s

  • As chair of the steering committee ACEVic assisted in presentation of the re-accreditation documentation to the advisory panel for the Certificate I in Employment Pathways

  • Met with Adult Learning Australia (ALA) and Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVic) to discuss policy and the direction of adult and community education in Victoria

  • ACEVic continues to meet with members 1:1 to hear opportunities, challenges and provide support, in particular in relation to the advocacy of the sector. 

Reach out to Nina if you would like to set up a meeting or provider 

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