Yarrawonga Mulwala Community and Learning Centre is based in the border community of Yarrawonga and Mulwala in North East Victoria. They offer ACFE programs, as well as accredited training, and a broad range of programs and services. The main industries in the region are hospitality, agriculture, aged care, disability, health, and early childcare.
2021 was a year of reflection and planning for the organisation (previously known as Yarrawonga Neighbourhood House and Yarrawonga Education and Training), they conducted an in-depth review of:
Their vision, mission, and values
The position of their brand within the local community
Daily behaviours and actions of staff throughout the organisation
Staff and consumer perceptions of the organisation
Customer experience and satisfaction
Industry connections?
Results from the comprehensive review led the organisation to adopt a new NAME, new LOOK, new SERVICES, and new PROGRAMS. Being on the border, it was essential to unite the twin towns of Yarrawonga and Mulwala, expand course delivery and create a brand that represented their organisation and community. As a result, they have repositioned the organisation and created a modern, progressive, adaptable, community-focused lifelong learning organisation.
Fundamental change leading to more students and higher completion
Another fundamental change that was implemented by the organisation was introducing the LLN Robot is an online tool designed to help determine students’ language, literacy and numeracy levels. Designed for students planning to undertake Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses YMCLC use this tool for all students as an LLN assessment tool.
This has led to some students enrolling in ACFE programs prior to commencing accredited training, resulting in greater retention and completion rates.
The primary cohort of learners are job seekers registered with Employment Service Providers. YMCLC partner with jobactives, DES and TTW providers to engage, hold and support them through ACFE programs, accredited training and then employment. They compare their support model to the analogy that it takes a village to raise a child. Therefore, it takes a ‘wrap-around’ service to lead people into employment or further education.
As a result of these partnerships, learner completion rates have improved, and with the assistance of the jobactives, participants are gaining employment. Consequently, industry job shortages are being filled with qualified and job-ready staff. Customised workplace delivery to large employers in the region to up-skill staff, especially in the hospitality sector has been very successful.
The revamp of the organisation led to the development of new community partnerships including the recent partnership with MHA Care, resulting in YMCLC becoming the Yarrawonga distributor of the Moira Shire Food Share Program. Planning is now underway to relocate this essential service to Yarrawonga Mulwala Community & Learning Centre.
Congratulations to YMCLC in supporting learners to develop the core skills of Victorian adults for study, work, and life.
To view their new look - head to their new website!